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makes perfect, or so the saying goes.

I took my youngest kid to his guitar lessons this afternoon and the tutor was asking him if he’d done any practice since that last one. Now he had done, because I make him do it, but it got me thinking about my own creative outlet and how I’ve been neglecting it recently. If it was a pet the authorities would have been informed by now

I’ve just looked at the last modified date on the MS for my second book and I haven’t actually added a single word to it since the 27th July; that’s over six weeks ago. The kids are back at school full time now and I’m only working in my business to my own schedule, so I could make a little time. I’m sure if I actually analysed the amount of time I spend on Facebook or the internet per week, it would greatly exceed the time I’d need to hammer out 1,500 words.

But I’m not one of those people who can write for a stolen hour, here and there and leave it then until the next opportunity. I feel I need to get a long run at it to do anything worthwhile.

However I was reading in some writing blog in this past week (more time when I could have been writing) about how every writer should always be writing; every time they get a chance. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or rubbish. If you’re not writing, honing the craft it’s never going to get better. Just write and write until the first draft is done. The rubbish can always be edited out after that …but you can’t edit a blank page.

So, I’ve decided to take this advice on board and have resolved to write a minimum of 1,500 words a week. (I’m going to find one of those word counter widgets and put it on the side of this blog to let you know if I’m sticking to my resolution or not.)

 So there’s no time like the present…Unfortunately first I’ll have to reread the existing 8,200 words again, to remember what it’s actually about. But after that we’re off.

Talk to you soon


Current Reading:     Stieg Larsson – The Girl Who Played with Fire

Current Listening:     Interpol – Interpol
                               Sufjan Stevens - All Delighted People EP